Avatar Michał "phoe" Herda

Hey - welcome to my homepage. I post my Lisp libraries here, along with short explanations what they do.

Some non-Lisp things are also listed at the bottom.

I have a blog on Movim where I post Lisp-related stuff.



A full list of these is also available on GitHub.


Online Lisp Meeting videos

Here is a playlist with all Online Lisp Meeting videos that I had the pleasure of hosting.

Larger libraries

These libraries are either large enough on their own or designed to grow at some point in time.

Smaller libraries

Very small utilities may go into PHOE-TOOLBOX or into their own separate "smaller" library; the choice is arbitary and depends mostly on my taste when answering the questions, "would it be better if this was imported by importing all of PHOE-TOOLBOX or by importing a separate, smaller system?," and, "does this solve a general enough case to mandate inclusion in a utility library?"



Fan websites

Contacting me